Practice Area

Information Technology and e-Business

At Katz Teller, we represent the computer, software and information systems business and venture capitalists who fund both start-up and mature businesses in these industries. We also regularly advise clients regarding the issues relating to acquiring and implementing corporate information systems. Our work in this area frequently involves cutting-edge information technology issues relating to privacy, internet and e-law. We have experience in:

Software Development:

We provide comprehensive legal support through the labyrinth of software development, ensuring your intellectual property is fiercely protected and your contractual agreements are solid and beneficial.

Corporate Information Systems:

Our adept guidance facilitates the seamless acquisition and implementation of corporate information systems, helping you to optimize operational efficiency and data integrity.

Internet Content Providers:

We extend legal counsel to internet content providers, navigating the complex regulatory and intellectual property issues that pervade the digital content realm.

Application Service Providers:

Our attorneys assist application service providers in negotiating and drafting robust service agreements, ensuring a legal framework that supports your business objectives.

Website Designers:

We provide legal support to website designers, ensuring compliance with privacy laws, intellectual property rights, and other pertinent legal matters that impact online presence and operations.

Software License Agreements:

Our meticulous drafting and review of software license agreements ensure your interests are well-protected, and your licensing objectives are achieved.

Hardware Purchase Agreements:

We negotiate and draft hardware purchase agreements that safeguard your interests, ensuring clarity on warranty, support, and other critical terms.

Systems Integration Agreements:

Our adept counsel supports you through crafting systems integration agreements that mitigate risks and promote a successful integration of diverse systems.

Privacy, Internet, and E-Law:

In a domain where legal frameworks are continually playing catch-up with technological innovation, our attorneys are well-versed in the legalities surrounding privacy, internet, and e-law, ensuring your operations stay compliant while pushing the boundaries of the digital frontier.

Contact Us

At Katz Teller, our commitment extends beyond mere legal counsel; we are devoted to propelling your technological and digital ventures towards success. Our attorneys are ready to collaborate with you, offering tailored legal solutions that resonate with your business goals in the Information Technology and e-Business sectors.

Contact us to get started.